Alric Leonidar
The Last Son of House Leonidar
Basic Info
Age: Adult
Height: Average
Physique: Physically fit
Eye Color: Piercing Blue
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality Reference: Sinbad (Magi: Adventure of Sinbad)
Alric is a fun loving but good-hearted scoundrel who is a bit of a ladies man. He is always willing to do the right thing and stand up for the less fortunate.
Alric Leonidar grew up in a small island town with his mother. The village was not the richest but they were decently well off.
Then one day when Alric had reached adulthood his mother became deathly ill. The local healers could not help, all they could do was ease her passing. As Alric stood by her mother in her final moments she told gave Alric a key and told him to open the chest in the closet. When Alric did it was revealed to contain a suit of sky Captain's armor and an enchanted battleaxe.
When Alric asked his mother why she had this, she revealed that Leonidar was in fact a small noble house that was known for its airship pilots, that his father had died, not in a fishing accident as he once believed, but during the war with the Empire, that, during the Calamity the Leonidar estate and the ground it stood on was blasted to oblivion, and after that she took the Infant Alric and to this island, along with a spare set of Lord Leonidar's armor and his personal axe who he left with her before the final battle. After this she revealed her one wish was to have given Alric the life he should have had, and then left this world. Alric’s grief though was quickly replaced with purpose.
After burying his mother, Alric sold his home and all his other belongings except some clothing, the armor, and the axe and, with the gil, bought passage to Limsa Lominsa. His goal now was to fulfill his mother’s final wish, by rebuilding House Leonidar.
Once he arrived, he took up the role as an adventuring Marauder at first wearing an armor and wielding and axe designed to look like those worn by the soldiers of house Leonidar due to the fact that Alric did not see himself worthy yet to wear his father's armor and blade. During his travels Alric encountered a Wandering Warrior who asked about his axe. After Alric spoke with the warrior Alric asked the warrior to train him this warrior, seeing that the goal Alric had would be useful as a way to control the inner beast agreed to train him and, after his training even gave Alric a replica armor set of those worn by warriors as a gift.
Eventually Alric switched to a Magitech based armor and weapon before finally wielding the armor and blade of his father.
Eventually Alric Leonidar took up a different path, that of the Dark Knight after which he starred wearing dark armor that was a mix of nobility and functionality as well as carrying a sword made for him by a good friend.
Of recent Alric has been seen wearing a more high tech version of the armor worn by his father and has been wielding a gunblade.
Alric Leonidar has been known to carry on him one of the 3 powerful weapons each having their own story.
Skyrend:This axe has been passed down in House Leonidar for decades. Rumored to have gained its enchantment from aeither stolen from the Primal Garuda by a Leonidar of old, this weapon can summon slicing gale force winds around its blade causing an affect similar to a chainsaw.
Woedrinker: A greatsword that was designed to be synonymous with the morals of a Dark Knight. This blade can absorb and trap negative emotions such as fear and despair from those deemed innocents leaving them with only hope and other positive emotions. Then the blade unleashes those emotions with each strike allowing the guilty to feel the horrors they have inflicted on their victims. This is a blade Alric rarely uses these days as he believes it is no longer needed.
Everstorm: Recently the wind aeither in Skyrend had begun to grow more powerful threatening to destroy the blade. To save this heirloom Alric had the more violent aeither siphoned off and placed into his own personal gunblade. This caused Everstorm, when drawn, to be surrounded with by a neverending tempest of wind and lighting Aeither, rending and electrocuting anyone struck by the blade. Not only that but over time, especially when the weapon is sheathed and not in use, some of this energy is placed in the barrels of the gunblade. This energy can be shot out of the blade like a bullet, or used to empower the storm and thus the strikes of the weapon like a traditional gunblade.
Just like his weapons, Alric Leonidar wears several different armors, each as varied as the weapons wielded alongside them.
Lord Leonidar's armor: A Spare set of armor worn by Alric's Father that was gifted to Alric by his mother before she died, this armor has the prefect balance of regality, mobility and protection. The visor in the helm has a clear crystal placed into it protecting the wearer's eyes from any dust or debris when flying an airship while still providing them vision.

Avenging Lord's Armor: An Armor set Alric wore during his time as a Dark Knight. This armor was designed to strike fear while maintaining a noble presence.

Lord Alric Leonidar's armor: Modeled after the original armor worn by his father, Alric's personal armor has been heavily upgraded with Magitech to provide better protection and mobility as well as heating and cooling systems to protect Alric in environments with extreme heat or cold.


An Artist's rendition of the Zenith the airship flown by Alric's Father the late Lord Leonidar.

A model of the Zenith Requiem an airship designed by Alric himself to be constructed at a later date.
OOC Info
I do not mind In character romantic relationships but I do not ERP and the other person must be an adult IRL and In character.
I am an adult and I do not mind more mature RP barring the two exceptions listed above.
Player has autism spectrum disorder so please understand that the social skills of the player may not be as advanced as the social skills of the character they are RPing.